Rich Deem’s article “Sexism
in the Bible: Is Christianity Sexist?” found at http://www.godandscience.org/apologetics/sexism.html#.UFSxLKMjU8U
discusses how the Bible is not really sexist at all. His interpretation of the Hebrew
language is very different from what we read and understand in the Bible. For
example the word “Ezer” with is a term used to describe Eve as a suitable
helper to Adam. The word suitable in the Hebrew language translates to someone
completely opposite to themselves, and not the translation we are most commonly
accustom to. This website presents many examples of how the “Church” has used
the Bible in order to treat women as second class citizens. He however does not
address the Leviticus' Laws in his examples. I think this is because there is no
way that the Bible is not sexist when it comes to these Leviticus' Laws. Women
were treated as second class citizens when Moses wrote these. In some parts of
the world women are still treated this way based on these ideas laid out in the
The second site I used to try to prove my theory of how
women are treated in the Bible was http://www.religioustolerance.org/ofe_bibl.htm.
This site identifies how women were looked at and defines how women should be
treated according to the Old Testament. It gives reference to specific Bible
verses to support its findings. Most of the laws listed can be justified by
women being the weaker race and how men have to keep women safe. It was Eve’s
sin that caused Adam to sin. This theory that women will sin if a man is not
around to protect us from ourselves is crazy. I live in the twenty first
century. This idea is so far out there for me.

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